Monday, February 24, 2014


P- Pray. Ask God to show you His priorities for this  season. 

R- Review God's priorities for your life, specifically. 
I- take Inventory of how you spend your time. Are your current commitments the right ones?
O- Order your schedule according to God's Will. 
R- Resist urgency over importance. 
I- Input, counsel, & accountability from Godly people should be sought consistently in your life. 
T- Take advantage of the time you've been given. 
I- Identify time robbers, like activities, attitudes, distractions, and interruptions. 
E- Experience every season fully. Be all there. 
S- Sabbaths are crucial to refresh, regain perspective, reflect and evaluate, and re-prioritize. 

acrostic taken from An Untroubled Heart, by Micca Campbell

xx, Bethany

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