Thursday, May 15, 2014

All She Read- Silenced

So recently, I had the opportunity to get free books. SAY WHAT?! 

You heard me. I get to read books for free. As long as I review them on my blog, which I already do anyway for Sharing My Library- but from now on, my book reviews will be separate (Beth's Bet), and a little more detailed!


I could have sworn I had told yall about Dani Pettrey- I came across her books on Amazon one day last fall. She has become one of favorite new Christian suspense authors. Personally, she’s up there with Dee Henderson; like she is THAT good.

Her current series is called Alaskan Courage. It’s about a family of adult siblings, who love extreme outdoor sports. Mysterious events keep finding each sibling and they have to navigate their way out. The author excels at keeping the current sibling's story line central, while also keeping track of the other siblings & their significant others. She manages to do it without being overwhelming or confusing. 

I was sent the fourth book in the series, Silenced.  It’s about the sibling (Kayden) that I initially related to the least, but I truly enjoyed delving past her surface and discovering who she truly is.

I don’t believe in sharing spoilers, but I will say this- It was about time Kayden gave Jake the time of day and let go of her wariness towards him.

This book kept me guessing and racing to finish it, only so I could reread it again slower to enjoy details I might have missed the first time. Yall make sure to get the series from the first book, Submerged, and follow it up with Shattered, then Stranded, and finish with Silenced.

Xx, bethany

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