This one is for the ladies...I wrote it for the 6th grade girls I teach, but felt called to share it here, too.
What is this
desire to take endless selfies?
Selfies- Urban
Dictionary Definition: taking photos of ones self while posing
Sunday. Selfie Saturday. Outfit of the Day. What I Wore Wednesday. Duckface.
These are all hashtags many of you know and use frequently.
Women, even
at the youngest of ages, have within them an innate longing to be
special...beautiful...and loved. I totally get it. I do.
But you will
not find any of those things in the places you are looking for them in. The
number of likes you get on Instagram because you filtered a picture of your
face will not fill the hole in your heart. Oh sure, you’ll feel special for a
minute- the glow of peer acceptance is a great high. But when night falls, and the
likes have stopped, and it’s just you, you’re still gonna feel empty.
The world is
fickle. It will love you one day and hate you the next. There is no true value
in placing your level of acceptance in the world. When you do so, you hurt the
One who loves and accepts you no matter what. If you are constantly looking for
your self-worth in the world you will never find yourself in Him.
What are you
spending more time doing- updating Facebook or Twitter, filtering a photo for
Instagram, liking pins on pinterest; or are you getting in the Word, tilling
with the Lord, making your inner self of more value than your outer?
Ya know,
are not just the things you do, the clothes you wear, the job you have,
the school you attend, the friends you have or don’t have.
you are
worth much more.
ALL of who
you are.
And He loves
every part of you.....the good, the bad, the ugly.
Girls, I am
not defined or made valuable by things I do or things I have. NEITHER ARE YOU.
My worth
lies in one thing and one thing alone: I am extravagantly loved by God. And so are YOU.
You are
His dream wrapped in skin. You are His reward. You are His pride and joy.
Ask Him to
show you how beautiful you are, how loved you are, how accepted you are. He
will. But you have to be willing to see it- he could be showing it you daily
but you aren’t willing to see it. Look for it. Seek Him in it. And that
encounter will blow you OUT OF THE WATER.
you are beautiful without a tan or makeup or the latest jeans or the acceptance
of your peers or a boy’s opinion or anything else.
You created my inmost being;
You knit
me together in my mother's womb.
I praise
You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
One last thought...
(with thoughts from Erin @ Sweetness Itself & Rachel @ From the Heart)
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